

发布时间:Jun 20, 2019点击量:







Email: 1989jiaxinsun@163.comjiaxinsun@.cug.edu.cn


  • 2008.09-2012.06:金沙官方登录入口,本科

  • 2012.09-2018.06:金沙官方登录入口,博士

  • 2017.01-2018.01Texas A&M University,联合培养博士生


  • 2018.08-2021.08:金沙官方登录入口,特任副教授

  • 2021.09-至今:金沙官方登录入口,副教授


  • 硕士招生专业:地质工程、资源与环境、土木工程、土木水利

  • 对考生的具体要求:宽以待人、热爱科研、勤奋刻苦

  • 研究方向:储层流固产出数值模拟、储层钻采稳定性评价、砾石充填防砂模拟与实验、储层加固数值模拟




  1. 考虑应力敏感效应下南海低渗水合物储层产能预测建模与分析,国家自然科学基金青年基金,项目编号:51904280,主持

  2. 海洋倾斜水合物储层水平井开采时稳定性分析与评价,海洋地质资源湖北省重点实验室开放基金项目,项目编号:MGR202010,主持

  3. 南海水合物储层水平井钻进时的井壁稳定性研究,中国地质大学(武汉)岩土钻掘与防护教育部工程研究中心开放研究基金,项目编号:201908,主持

  4. 海洋水合物储层水平井钻进时的响应特性研究,中南大学有色金属成矿预测与地质环境监测教育部重点实验室开放基金,项目编号:2019YSJS14,主持

  5. 天然气水合物开采过程中井周储层动态响应行为与控制,国家重点研发计划,项目编号:2018YFE0126400,参与

  6. 水合物试采出砂预测与井眼安全评价技术,国家重点研发计划子课题,项目编号:2017YFC0307600,参与

  7. 南海神狐海域水合物储层静力触探响应特征及其主控因素研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目,项目编号:41976074,参与

  8. 水合物分解对深水固井水泥环孔隙特征与力学性质的影响机制研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目,项目编号:42072343,参与

  9. 地质新能源安全高效开发理论与技术,湖北省自然科学基金创新群体项目,项目编号:2021CFA024,参与

  10. 水合物储层防砂砾石充填流态表征及规律研究测试,广州海洋地质调查局外协项目,参与

  11. 水合物试采工艺设计论证及优化研究,广州海洋地质调查局外协项目,参与

  12. 多分支孔水合物排采模拟与评价技术研发,青岛海洋地质研究所外协项目,参与

  13. 低密度早强防窜固井水泥浆体系研究,中海油田服务股份有限公司外协项目,参与


  1. 2014Gordon Research SeminarGordon Research Conference:海报

  2. 2016第三届国际海底观测大会(3rd SOS):口头报告

  3. 2017:第九届国际天然气水合物大会(ICGH9):口头报告

  4. 2018Gordon Research Seminar:口头报告、Gordon Research Conference和第十二届世界甲烷水合物研究与开发大会(12th IMHRD):海报

  5. 2019:第二届国际工程地质大会(ISMEG2019):口头报告

  6. 2021:第七届青年地学论坛:口头报告 


  1. 2022年金沙官方登录入口第十三届青年教师讲课比赛二等奖

  2. 2021年度石油工程岩石力学十大科技进展(R7/9

  3. 2021年第十三届“华中杯”大学生数学建模挑战赛被评为“优秀指导老师”

  4. 2020年湖北省科技进步一等奖(R11/15

  5. 2020年中国地质大学(武汉)“优秀指导教师奖”

  6. 2018年度中国地质大学(武汉)优秀博士学位论文

  7. 2016年度博士研究生国家奖学金

  8. 2015年度博士研究生国家奖学金


  1. Fulong Ning*, Qiang Chen, Jiaxin Sun*(第一通讯), Xiang Wu, Guodong Cui, Peixiao Mao,Yanlong Li, Tianle Liu, Guosheng Jiang, Nengyou Wu. Enhanced gas production of silty clay hydrate reservoir using multilateral wells and reservoir reformation techniques: Numerical simulations[J]. Energy, 2022: 124220. (SCI, T1, TOP期刊)

  2. Jiaxin Sun, Yuhang Gu, Fanfan Qin, Fulong Ning, Yanlong Li, Xinxin Cao, Peixiao Mao, Tianle Liu, Ren Wang, Guosheng Jiang. Key factors analyses for prediction of accurate gas production rate in hydrate reservoirs during model construction[J]. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 2022, 102: 104566. (SCI, T2)

  3. Jiaxin Sun, Fulong Ning, Tianle Liu, Yanlong Li, Hongwei Lei, Ling Zhang, Wan Cheng, Ren Wang, Xinxin Cao, Guosheng Jiang. Numerical analysis of horizontal wellbore state during drilling at the first offshore hydrate production test site in Shenhu area of the South China Sea[J]. Ocean Engineering, 2021, 238(1): 109614. (SCI, T1, TOP期刊)

  4. Jiaxin Sun, Fulong Ning, Tianle Liu, Changling Liu, Qiang Chen, Yanlong Li, Xinxin Cao, Peixiao Mao, Ling Zhang, Guosheng Jiang. Gas production from a silty hydrate reservoir in the South China Sea using hydraulic fracturing: A numerical simulation[J]. Energy Science & Engineering, 2019, 7: 1106-1122. (SCI, T3)

  5. Jiaxin Sun, Fulong Ning, Hongwu Lei, Xuerui Gai, Marcelo Sánchez, Jingan Lu, Yanlong Li, Lele Liu, Changling Liu, Nengyou Wu, Yong He, MinWu. Wellbore stability analysis during drilling through marine gas hydrate-bearing sediments in Shenhu area: A case study[J]. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2018, 170: 345-367. (SCI, T2, TOP期刊)

  6. Jiaxin Sun, Ling Zhang, Fulong Ning, Hongwu Lei, Tianle Liu, Gaowei Hu, Hailong Lu, Jingan Lu, Changling Liu, Guosheng Jiang, Jinqiang Liang, Nengyou Wu. Production potential and stability of hydrate-bearing sediments at the site GMGS3-W19 in the South China Sea: A preliminary feasibility study[J]. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 2017, 86: 447-473. (SCI, T2)

  7. Jiaxin Sun, Fulong Ning, Ling Zhang, Tianle Liu, Li Peng, Zhichao Liu, Chenglong Li, Guosheng Jiang. Numerical simulation on gas production from hydrate reservoir at the 1st offshore test site in the eastern Nankai Trough[J]. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 2016, 30: 64-76. (SCI, T2)

  8. Jiaxin Sun, Fulong Ning, Nengyou Wu, Shi Li, Ke Zhang, Ling Zhang, Guosheng Jiang, V.F. Chikhotkin. The effect of drilling mud properties on shallow lateral resistivity logging of gas hydrate bearing sediments[J]. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2015, 127: 259-269. (SCI, T2, TOP期刊, 国际埃尼奖提名论文

  9. Jiaxin Sun, Fulong Ning, Shi Li, Ke Zhang, Tianle Liu, Ling Zhang, Guosheng Jiang, Nengyou Wu. Numerical simulation of gas production from hydrate-bearing sediments in the Shenhu area by depressurising: the effect of burden permeability[J]. Journal of Unconventional Oil and Gas Resources, 2015, 12: 23-33. (SCI, T4)

  10. 孙嘉鑫, 张凌, 宁伏龙, 刘天乐, 方彬, 李彦龙, 刘昌岭, 蒋国盛. 天然气水合物藏增产研究现状与展望[J]. 石油学报, 2021, 42(4): 523-540. (EI, T4


  1. Bin Fang, Tao Lü, Fulong Ning, Jiangtao Pang, Zhongjin He, Jiaxin Sun. Facilitating gas hydrate dissociation kinetics and gas migration in clay interlayer by surface cations shielding effects[J]. Fuel, 2022, 318: 123576. (SCI, TOP期刊)

  2. Zhun Zhang, Lele Liu, Fulong Ning, Zhichao Liu, Jianye Sun, Xiaodong Li, Jiaxin Sun, Masayuki Hyodo, Changling Liu. Effect of stress on permeability of clay silty cores recovered from the Shenhu hydrate area of the South China Sea[J]. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 2022: 104421. (SCI)

  3. Fulong Ning, Xiangyu Fang, Zhichao Liu, Yanjiang Yu, Yanlong Li, Linjie Wang, Hongfeng Lu, Jiaxin Sun, Xinxin Cao, Haoxian Shi. Sand production behaviors during gas recovery from sandy and clayey-silty hydrate-bearing sediments: A comparative analysis[J]. Energy Science & Engineering, 2022: 1-15. (SCI)

  4. Lixia Li, Tianle Liu, Guosheng Jiang, Shaojun Zheng, Changliang Fang, Jiaxin Sun, Bo Qu, Yunfei Zhu. Interactive mechanism of manufacturing factors on the properties of microbial cementing slurry[J]. Construction and Building Materials, 2021, 311: 125308. (SCI, TOP期刊)

  5. Qibing Wang, Ren Wang, Jiaxin Sun, Jinsheng Sun, Cheng Lu, Kaihe Lv, Jintang Wang, Jianlong Wang, Jie Yang, Yuanzhi Qu. Effect of drilling fluid invasion on natural gas hydrate near-well reservoirs drilling in a horizontal well[J]. Energies, 2021, 7: 8608-8623. (SCI)

  6. Dongdong Wang, Fulong Ning, Jingan Lu, Hongfeng Lu, Dongju Kang, Yingfeng Xie, Jing Li, Jiaxin Sun, Wenjia Ou, Zhichao Liu, Bin Fang, Li Peng, Zhun Zhang, Wei Li. Reservoir characteristics and critical influencing factors on gas hydrate accumulations in the Shenhu area, South China Sea[J]. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 2021, 133: 105238. (SCI)

  7. Xiangyu Fang, Fulong Ning, Linjie Wang, Zhichao Liu, Hongfeng Lu, Yanjiang Yu, Yanlong Li, Jiaxin Sun, Haoxian Shi, Yingjie Zhao, Xiaofeng Dou, EchuanWang, Heen Zhang. Dynamic coupling responses and sand production behavior of gas hydrate-bearing sediments during depressurization: An experimental study[J]. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2021, 201: 108506. (SCI, TOP期刊)

  8. Bin Fang, Fulong Ning, Sijia Hu, Dongdong Guo, Wenjia Ou, Cunfang Wang, Jiang Wen, Jiaxin Sun, Zhichao Liu, CA Koh. The effect of surfactants on hydrate particle agglomeration in liquid hydrocarbon continuous systems: a molecular dynamics simulation study[J]. RSC Advance, 2020, 10: 31027-31038. (SCI)

  9. Li Peng, Fulong Ning, Wei Li, Jiaxin Sun, Jingyu Xie. Influence of AFM Tip Temperature on THF Hydrate Stability: Theoretical Model and Numerical Simulation[J]. Scanning, 2019, 2019:1-10. (SCI)

  10. 宁伏龙, 梁金强, 吴能友, 祝有海, 吴时国, 刘昌岭, 韦昌富, 王冬冬, 张准, 徐猛, 刘志超, 李晶, 孙嘉鑫, 欧文佳. 中国天然气水合物赋存特征[J]. 天然气工业, 2020, 40(8): 1-24. (EI)


  1. Yuhang Gu, Jiaxin Sun*(通讯作者), Fanfan Qin, Fulong Ning, Xinxin Cao, Tianle Liu, Shunbo Qin, Ling Zhang, Guosheng Jiang. Enhancing gas recovery from natural gas hydrate reservoirs in the eastern Nankai Trough: Deep depressurization and underburden sealing[J]. Energy, 2022, 262: 125510. (SCI, T1, 指导的硕士生)

  2. Yuhang Gu, Jiaxin Sun*(通讯作者), Fanfan Qin, Fulong Ning, Yanlong Li, Xinxin Cao, Tianle Liu, Ren Wang, Guosheng Jiang. Numerical analysis on gas production from silty hydrate reservoirs in the South China Sea by depressurizing: The effect of permeability reduction caused by pore compression. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 2022, 104: 104680. (SCI, T2, 指导的硕士生)

  3. Peixiao Mao, Nengyou Wu, Yizhao Wan, Nufulong Ning, Jiaxin Sun, Xingxing Wang, Gaowei Hu. Gas recovery enhancement from fine-grained hydrate reservoirs through positive inter-branch interference and optimized spiral multilateral well network[J]. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 2022, 107: 104771. (SCI, T2, 协助指导的博士生)

  4. Xinxin Cao, Jiaxin Sun, Fulong Ning, Heen Zhang, Nengyou Wu, Yanjiang Yu. Numerical analysis on gas production from heterogeneous hydrate system in Shenhu area by depressurizing: Effects of hydrate-free interlayers[J]. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 2022, 101: 104504. (SCI, T2, 协助指导的博士生)

  5. Peixiao Mao, Yizhao Wan, Jiaxin Sun, Yanlong Li, Gaowei Hu, Fulong Ning, Nengyou Wu. Numerical study of gas production from fine-grained hydrate reservoirs using a multilateral horizontal well system[J]. Applied Energy, 2021, 301: 117450. (SCI, T1, TOP期刊协助指导的博士生)

  6. Peixiao Mao, Nengyou Wu*, Jiaxin Sun*(共同通讯), Fulong Ning, Lin Chen, Yizhao Wan, Gaowei Hu, Xinxin Cao.Numerical simulations of depressurization-induced gas production from hydrate reservoirs at site GMGS3-W19 with different free gas saturations in the northern South China Sea[J]. Energy Science & Engineering, 2021, 9: 1416-1439. (SCI, T3, 协助指导的博士生)

  7. Peixiao Mao, Jiaxin Sun, Fulong Ning, Lin Chen, Yizhao Wan, Gaowei Hu, Nengyou Wu.. Numerical simulation on gas production from inclined layered methane hydrate reservoirs in the Nankai Trough: A case study[J]. Energy Reports, 2021, 7: 8608-8623. (SCI, T2, 协助指导的博士生)

  8. Peixiao Mao, Jiaxin Sun, Fulong Ning, Gaowei Hu, Yizhao Wan, Xinxin Cao, Nengyou Wu. Effect of permeability anisotropy on depressurization-induced gas production from hydrate reservoirs in the South China Sea[J]. Energy Science & Engineering, 2020, 8: 2690-2707. (SCI, T3, 协助指导的博士生)

  9. 毛佩筱, 吴能友, 宁伏龙, 胡高伟, 孙嘉鑫, 陈强, 郭洋,卜庆涛, 万义钊. 不同井型下的天然气水合物降压开采产气产水规律[J]. 天然气工业, 2020, 40(11): 168-176. (EI, 协助指导的博士生)

  10. 游志刚, 晁润奇, 赵思雨. 宁夏第八届大学生数学建模竞赛暨2021年高教社杯全国选拔赛本科生组贰等奖.

  11. 赵思雨, 晁润奇, 游志刚. 2021年第十三届“华中杯”大学生数学建模挑战赛三等奖.

  12. 游志刚, 周易, 孙懿. 2021年黄石市“青磁湖杯”大学生数学建模大赛三等奖.

  13. 赵洪宝. 2020年校级优秀本科毕业论文.


  1. 俄罗斯发明专利. 一种油气井射孔完井后提高渗流通道尺寸的新型添加剂. 专利号: 2621054. 排名第1.

  2. 美国发明专利. Testing Device and Method for Measuring Adhesion Force between Gas Hydrate and Mineral Particles. 专利号: US10775406B2. 排名第7.

  3. 中国发明专利. 一体化模拟井周水合物储层出砂与改造的实验系统及方法. 专利号: ZL201911276840.X. 排名第4.

  4. 中国实用新型专利. 一种用于模拟微生物加固天然气水合物储层的反应釜. 专利号: ZL202021922388.8. 排名第6.

  5. 中国实用新型专利. 水合物开采储层响应与出砂综合模拟实验系统. 专利号: ZL201920144165.4. 排名第6.

  6. 中国实用新型专利. 一种原子力显微镜多型水合物观测装置. 专利号: ZL201820565169.5. 排名第6.

  7. 中国发明专利. 一种含水合物/冰的低温地层固井模拟实验反应釜. 专利号: 201510808777.5.排名第6.

  8. 软件著作权. TOUGH+HYDRATE中复杂地质体模型初始化和结果可视化软件. 登记号: 2020SR1560167. 排名第1.

  9. 软件著作权. 水合物钻进井壁稳定性与开采储层稳定性综合分析评价软件. 登记号: 2021SR0108985. 排名第1.

  10. 软件著作权. 天然气水合物降压开采三维出砂预测软件. 登记号: 2019SR0077985. 排名第4.



  • China Geology》青年编委

  • 中国地质学会会员

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  • Applied EnergyFuelJournal of Petroleum Science and Engineering、《中国石油大学学报》和《中南大学学报》等国内外重要学术期刊审稿人


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